Rehab Resources
for speech and language therapy

Set speech & language goals with treatment software

Quickly find an Easy and Hard level for the patient to work toward

You'll repeat this process with each Bungalow PC program (or with each Skill Areas if you're using, our web app).

  1. If you haven't already, choose a programs using the Therapy Advisor
  2. Try each Lesson and find the highest level  Lesson that the survivor can do easily (90-100% correct). I.e., the hardest Lesson that's easy for them.
    1. The PC programs are organized into Lessons of increasing difficulty. Some survivors may find the lower level Lessons actually harder than the higher ones.
    2. Try a few exercises in each Lesson until you get to the highest level that they still find easy.
    3. Once you get to a Lesson that is most challenging for them (in that program) but in which they are still about 90-100% correct, you're ready for the next step.
  3. Find a challenging lesson (in that program); where they get about 60-80% of the exercises correct on the first attempt.
    Pay attention to how frustrated they are. If they are easily frustrated then hard for them might be at the 80% end; otherwise hard might be at the 60% correct end.
  4. If all the Lessons are too easy then it's probably not a good program for challenging them and it would be good to move on to the next program.
  5. If they find all the Lessons too hard ( less than about 60% correct) or they are too frustrated then it would be good to wait and try that program again later.
  6. You should now have an Easy and a Hard Lesson in that program.  You'll then apply what I call the Therapy Sandwich method of Easy-Hard-Easy in each session.  They warm-up with the Easy Level, then do the Hard level, which is the real meat of the session where you make their brain work and grow. Then you end back on that Easy level so they finish with success.

Want free treatment materials 
work on your goals?

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Free Speech-Language Treatment Course

Every day is an opportunity for recovery.  Don't miss a single day. I'll provide you the tools & knowledge for faster speech & language recovery

  1. How brain plasticity makes recovery possible even years later.
  2. Why just-work-harder is a recipe for failure
  3. The 4 types of Speech-Language Skills,
    and how to assess which are affected.
  4. Printable worksheets for home practice

Clay Nichols
Co-founder of MoreSpeech and Bungalow Software that both provide Speech & Language Software

For over 20 years, Clay has helped patients, caregivers and speech pathologists with speech & language software.  He shares the tips & tricks he's picked up along the way.

Clay is not a speech  pathologist.
But he consults with the speech pathologists he works with (and has them review the blog articles).  You should consult your speech therapist regarding any tips you read anywhere, including the Rehab Resources.

Free Speech-Language Course
Understand your loved one's deficits & get free recovery activities they can do at home.