Rehab Resources
for speech and language therapy

Aphasia vs Apraxia

What is the difference between Aphasia & Apraxia?

If you were a car radio, Aphasia would cause difficulty finding the broadcast station's signal and Apraxia is difficulty with the speakers that make the sound.

car radio analogy for Aphasia and Apraxia


Great video explaining the difference between the two


Want to learn more about Aphasia or Apraxia?

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Every day is an opportunity for recovery.  Don't miss a single day. I'll provide you the tools & knowledge for faster speech & language recovery

  1. How brain plasticity makes recovery possible even years later.
  2. Why just-work-harder is a recipe for failure
  3. The 4 types of Speech-Language Skills,
    and how to assess which are affected.
  4. Printable worksheets for home practice

Clay Nichols
Co-founder of MoreSpeech and Bungalow Software that both provide Speech & Language Software

For over 20 years, Clay has helped patients, caregivers and speech pathologists with speech & language software.  He shares the tips & tricks he's picked up along the way.

Clay is not a speech  pathologist.
But he consults with the speech pathologists he works with (and has them review the blog articles).  You should consult your speech therapist regarding any tips you read anywhere, including the Rehab Resources.

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Understand your loved one's deficits & get free recovery activities they can do at home.