Three ways  Bungalow maximizes your speech therapy

There are three ways Bungalow can help you get more out of the speech therapy you are already receiving:

  1. Gives your therapist more time to help you.

    Your speech therapist has only a limited time to spend with you.  Unfortunately, patients need a lot of drill practice.  This can consume a lot of the therapist's time.   But it doesn't have to...

    Use Bungalow Software for drill practice at home, and free your therapist to work on more important things with you, like functional communication skills, conversational skills, real-world practice, and compensatory strategies.

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  1. Helps you get more insurance-covered therapy

    Insurance pays for therapy as long as you are improving.  However, most survivors reach a "recovery plateau" where measurable improvement slows down (usually temporarily).  That's where insurance coverage usually ends. Not anymore...

    Use Bungalow speech therapy software at home to augment therapy and increase measurable improvement.  When the insurance company sees that you're still improving they are more inclined  to pay for additional therapy.

  2. Prepares you for the end of insurance coverage.  

    The reality is that insurance coverage usually doesn't last forever. 

    Patients are, on average 400% more likely to have therapy end because As mentioned above (#2), Bungalow's software can help extend that period.  However, if insurance coverage and therapy visits end, you will be prepared because you've already been using these therapy programs with input from your speech therapist.  

Many people are caught by surprise when insurance coverage ends.  This is very understandable.  The brain injury that caused the need for the speech therapy also disrupted everything else in life.  Just as everyone is getting into the groove of speech therapy and rearranging their lives around the injury, therapy visits, etc., therapy ends. 


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