Speech Therapy Success stories

Feedback from speech herapists and doctors and their patients (stroke and brain-injury survivors) who used Bungalow for their recovery.

Tex Bolton
Stroke Survivor
My dad and the speech therapist worked on the demo the other day. He was so proud that he was able to operate the software. He was so excited to show his speech therapist. It was fun for him. He just laughed and laughed when I got home trying to tell me about it. Mom said Laura the speech therapist really liked the software and is thinking of getting it for herself."

- Suzee Bolton (daughter of caregiver)

Fun Follow-up:  customer read Suzee's story and interviewed her. You can read that interview.

Wilson Talley
Stroke Survivor
Thank you for all of the support you have given us and others. It's been a difficult two and a half years, but with people like you assisting it has made life easier and productive.
Quote above from Helen's letter to us. Helen was also interviewed by another caregiver.

Helen Talley (wife & caregiver)

Jeremy enjoys it. Producing Results.
Thanks, for the wonderful CD, my son who is eleven enjoys the opposites, my son is diagnosed the receptive and expressive speech delays, and also stutters. The three programs [Synonyms.., Direction Following Out Loud, Aphasia Tutor 1: Words Out Loud] are producing results for my son Jeremy. Thanks for a wonderful product." 

Paul Thorton


Mrs. Mochochi
Stroke Survivor
She liked it the minute she got on it
She liked it the minute she got on it. It's something she can do without me. The other options were so difficult."

George Mochocki (husband & caregiver)

Daisy Nash
Stroke Survivor

...amazing... improvements coming with remarkable speed

My wife has decided to put all her effort into improving herself. Improvements are coming with remarkable speed...articulation, reading comprehension and even starting conversations surprised us all. She has spent 5 1/2 hours during 2 days, working the sample Aphasia exercises on her computer, mastered the mouse, won another game of solitaire on my computer elated with her own progress. 

Kenneth Nash, caregiver &  husband


John Ritchie
Stroke Survivor
Between the speech therapists and the Bungalow Software, my husband John is doing so well that he is able to communicate his wants and needs by speech. The speech therapists said your software has helped John progress to this level of speech." Between the speech therapists and the Bungalow Software, my husband John is doing so well that he is able to communicate his wants and needs by speech. The speech therapists said your software has helped John progress to this level of speech."

Marie Ritchie ( caregiver and wife)


Praise from Doctors and Speech Pathologists


Candace Gordon
Speech Pathologist
Clinic Supervisor, 
Portland State
Speech & Science

It ensured success... patient...never discouraged
Aphasia Tutor's multiple difficulty levels and feedback ensure success...The patient never walks away [from the program] discouraged."


Judith Widmer
Palm Springs
Stroke Activity
We love it... results...are miraculous

Hi, we love the software as do our clients.
It is very effective with our stroke survivors. Keep us up to date with new products. Thanks.

Our results with the Aphasia Program are miraculous. We are seeing great results with clients who are using the
software with care givers and volunteers as well as with certified speech pathologists. Thanks."





Marylee Nunley
Amazed (and Amazing)
Founder of
...thrilled to work with your software
It is amazing to see people with aphasia work with your software. They are thrilled to find something they can do for themselves and by themselves.

 StrokeCamp is a non-profit hosting intensive stroke recovery camps across the country.

Speech-Language Pathologist
Sunshine Speech Therapy Inc
I am absolutely thrilled with your programs


Brad Loiftis
Enhancement Center
Portland, Oregon 97236

Most popular activity at the Cognitive Enhancement Center

... some Colleagues [thought] that it would be highly unlikely cognitive software would capture and hold the interest of our clients in a Long Term setting.

I am very pleased to say, Bungalow Software has made the Centers' computer room the most popular area of the Program. Our Clients very much enjoy the challenges your Software provides as well as the positive verbal responses they receive when answering the questions correctly or even incorrectly. You obviously understand how very important it is to nurture ones' self confidence, which in turn keeps them engaged, and continue on the path of their rehabilitation. Bravo!