What it feels like to experience a stroke

Brain Scientist explains, with humor and insight, what a stroke feels like from the inside

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor had a stroke in 1996 and recounts that story in her top rated talk at the TED Conference (it's the most viewed video from that conference).  She explains with insight and humor what it's like to have a stroke. Since that famous talk, she has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Charlie Rose, and many other leading journalists.

We've linked to to the video starting at 6:30 minute because that's where it gets really interesting.


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News Video about Aphasia after Stroke

This is a very old video (from 1998 or so) featuring a very early version of the Bungalow speech therapy software. We've come a long way since then!


Garrison Keillor (host of Prairie Home Companion) describes his stroke