Subscription FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about our Monthly PC Subscription


  1. How many programs can I use?
  2. Will this run my type of computer (iPad, Mac, etc.)?
  3.  Subscribe or buy?


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  1. How many programs can I use? 

    You can use all the programs in the subscription from day one.  You may want to start slowly, maybe trying one new program a day.  And you can use the Therapy Advisor to choose programs.

  2. Will this run my type of computer (iPad, Mac, etc.)?

    You'll need a Windows PC to run the programs, which have the same computer requirements as the non-subscription versions. However, you can use our new webapp,, on your iPad, Mac, Android or even PC.

  3. Should I Subscribe or buy

    Patients can do both, and rent-to-own.  Patients can apply what they've spent on the subscription to up to half the cost of programs in the Subscription. So if you're not sure, you could use the Monthly PC subscription. So, if you spent $50 on that month of Subscription use and then bought a $100 program you'd apply all of that payment to the purchase.