Maximize Therapy at Home

How Bungalow provides unlimited speech therapy at home.

Everyone should get as much stroke recovery therapy as they want and need.  Unfortunately, in the real world, many people don't  because they...

  1. ...can't afford it.

  2. ...are too far away from their speech therapist.

  3. ...are embarrassed or afraid of making mistakes

  4. ...are frustrated, unmotivated, or plain tired for therapy.

Bungalow Software was founded to provide you with a therapy option in your own home.  (That's why we named it after a house)

Bungalow's programs solve these problems. They are...

  1. Affordable...  They cost less than a baby-sitter (about  $5 per hour, based on typical usage and program cost.)

  2. Convenient...  It's right there in your own home where and when you need them.

  3. Confidence builders...  

    Ever tried typing with someone looking over your shoulder? That's enough pressure to make anyone nervous and make mistakes.

    Similarly, brain-injury survivors often fear making mistakes in front of people (even caregivers).  It's a form of performance anxiety.


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Used around the world

Read what patients and therapists are saying...

High praise from clinicians

"Aphasia Tutor's multiple difficulty levels and feedback ensure success...The patient never walks away [from the program] discouraged."

Candace Gordon, Speech Therapist, Clinic Supervisor, Portland State Speech and Science Program.

We found a level for every patient we tried AphasiaTutor with"
Peggy S., Speech-Language Pathologist, Duluth, MN

>>More Testimonials

With Bungalow's  therapy programs, nobody is "looking over your shoulder".  
The computer provides feedback, scoring, motivation and help.  

  • No embarrassment.  

  • No  pressure to perform.  

  • No performance anxiety.

The computer lets you make mistakes, gently tells you you've made a mistake, then makes a helpful suggestion, and lets you  try again.  Painlessly.  Without embarrassment.

  1. Motivating and inspiring.   Multiple difficulty levels , help, and stimulating feedback  guarantee success for nearly anyone.  Bungalow never leaves the patient frustrated or "stuck" on a question (see  #3 above)


