Sights 'n Sounds 2

Speech therapy software for articulation and word retrieval at the sentence level.   Useful for aphasia and oral/verbal Apraxia.

Video Demo

CLICK for more pictures of this Aphasia Therapy Software

Screenshot of Lesson 2: Describing pictures.
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Appropriate for:

  • Word Retrieval
  • Apraxia / Articulation
  • Aphasia or Anomia
  • Oral Reading
Quote about speech therapy softwareI can always tell when my husband has been using   Sights and Sounds because his diction really improves."

Jayne Quigley, caregiver.
From their story in
the Stroke Connection magazine of
 the National Stroke Association.


Helps patients speak phrases or sentences by prompting them with one or more of the following Cues (hints):

Patients sees a model sentence  and  hears that sentence spoken (in a human voice), then speaks the sentence themselves. Patient then hears their speech, and the model speech for comparison.

With over 400 exercises, patients usually take several months to master the material.  Create your own content, for unlimited, customized therapy (in Pro and Deluxe versions).

Therapy for all skill levels ...

Make the exercises easier or harder by changing which cues are provided: text, spoken model, picture (in picture lessons).  The more cues you choose to have shown, the easier the exercise is. If a cue is not shown, the patient can click on a button to see or hear it.

5 Lessons, over 400 sentences.

  1. Simple conversational phrases
    Model/Patient: I'm frustrated. I need help.
  2. Describing pictures
    (See the screenshot at the upper right of this page)
  3. Answering in the affirmative
    Model: Would you like to go out to eat?
    Patient: Yes, I would like to go out to eat.
  4. Answering in the negative
    Model: Is it lunch time?
    No, it is not lunch time.
  5. Interrogative reversal
    Model: My daughter is getting married.
    Patient: Is your daughter getting married?
  6. Plus Custom Lessons

    Easily create your own lessons (in the Deluxe and Professional versions only)

Add your own words, pictures and sounds!

Add specialized conversational phrases, parts of speeches, sermons, phrases for common activities, playing cards, etc. Add up to 3 Custom lessons in the Deluxe version and up to 100 Custom lessons in the Professional version.  Easy to use - run it with the spacebar

Operate it with only a single key (spacebar) or the mouse. Anyone can use it. 


Try programs risk-free with Bungalow's Desktop Subscription  

 Quote about speech therapy softwareClay,
Your Bungalow S & L CD lessons have been a godsend for my stroke which left me with a speech problem. I have been working which my speech therapist.

Edward G. Volick P.E.

If the patient also need to watch someone's mouth moving in order to repeat words back clearly (due to severe apraxia, articulation difficulty, etc.) try our apraxia software program Speech Sounds On Cue, which shows them video of how to move their lips and tongue.

Additional Clinical Info

This aphasia & apraxia software is helpful for word-retrieval due to anomia (expressive aphasia), in which the patient has difficulty naming objects or retrieving words. So, if you show them pictures of objects, they have difficulty verbally naming the object.  It's particularly effective for fluent aphasia (also called Wernicke's Aphasia), in which the patient can speak, but much of that speech is in appropriate.  So if you show them a baseball and ask "what is it" they might respond  " know...the catcher..." 

Computer Requirements

